Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Life Lesson 10 - The Cheerio Moments

My day goes something like this:
Wake up, not to an alarm but to an 18 month old who is up anytime between 5:30am and 6:30am. (when its my turn, great tip, my husband and i take turns so there is no cranky argument in the morning) but regardless of turns, i am up by at least 7am.
Then the baby gets milk and breakfast, i get ready for work and then leave to a now crying baby who can say no mommy bye bye! kills me every time......
But there is this moment in the morning between the milk and the breakfast and before my mad dash to look like a marketing director and not a tired mommy, where i have my cheerio moment.
She sits with me on the couch while i watch the news and we have a little bowl of cheerios on our lap. 2 hands reach into the bowl, one tiny and one needing a manicure........and we raise the cheerios to our mouth at the same time and crunch, which she giggles at every time......she looks at me with these big eyes and smiles like it is her favorite time of the day and i smile knowing it is mine.

Those Cheerio moments as i call them are so precious to a working mom like me. The times when i can show her at this age that mommy will make time even in a rushed tired morning state.

The life lesson here is to find your Cheerio moment with your family and lose yourself in that special moment , it will give your kids memories of childhood of special mommy moments even if your a Driven Chick :-)

Driven Chick
@drivenchick on twitter

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life Lesson 9 – 8 mistakes women make in business

1. Flirting. Come on ladies, its 2009 and we have broken the ceiling; let’s not patch it up by resorting to trying to be cute. Now I am all for smiling and using flattery when it is needed to make the person you are meeting with at ease and engaged but let’s not giggle or toss our hair. These things only drag us back to the 1950’s and take away our credibility.
2. Saying yes to everything. As women we tend to feel the need to over compensate and show that we can take on just as much as the guys. This is big trouble because you tend to get over loaded and appear to not manage a workload efficiently. The guys say no, so should we. Learn the word, use it well and do the projects you say yes to at 100% as opposed to doing everything that is passed across your desk at 50%.
3. Being overly aggressive – this one may sound odd but I know many women in my industry who seem always tough as nails as if they have something to prove. It comes off as stubborn, angry and unreasonable. There are many ways to be firm and drive your point home without getting the reputation of being someone who would eat their young.
4. Not playing golf – Sounds old fashion but there are still many deals made on the golf course and a lot of networking to be a part of. It does not matter if you are good or not, play in a best ball tournament or take lessons. Don’t go to a conference and not get the full experience. Many may disagree with me on this one but I have found I get a lot of respect being one of the few women out there and I have gained some very key relationships with customers this way.
5. Letting the guilt consume you – you’re at work and feeling guilty you are not home, you’re at home feeling guilty you are not cleaning up your inbox. LET IT GO! Be present where you are. Know that you can do both better if you let yourself be in the moment and give 100% of yourself to the task at hand. Your kids will not feel any different if you feel guilty. Your work will not lose a million dollars if you don’t answer emails until midnight, and if they do there is a bigger problem for you deal with………
6. Not promoting yourself – Ladies, if you do a good job, let people know. Talk about your successes and brag about the big deal you just made of the client you just landed. Fastest way to the top is not by hoping someone notices…….
7. Not dressing appropriately – I always remember hearing “dress for the job you want, not the job you have” SO TRUE. Look as professional as possible in the environment that you are in. People in business initially do judge a book by its cover; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. They will make up their mind for good once you open your mouth and start speaking but do not take for granted the first impression. You also want to project the right image on a daily basis at work to those who could promote you and those who look up to you. I am not saying wear a power suit everyday but if everyone in your office dresses casual why not take it up a notch and dress business casual.
8. Gossiping – Seriously! Don’t be that women who listens to, talks about or starts a rumor. Separate yourself from it and rise above. I have no tolerance for it and my team knows this. You can “care” and listen if someone has an issue but don’t be the eyes and ears of the company, it can only reflect poorly on you in the end.
Driven chick

Follow me on twitter @drivenchick

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Life Lesson 8 –Mentoring

You can probably look back at defining moments in your life, moments that made you who you are, and associate them with a person. I have always valued the importance of being mentored. My first and most important mentors were my parents and grandparents of course. They gave me confidence, faith, a sense of being safe and strength. Beyond my family though I can distinctly remember people in my life who made me who I am today, some did not even realize at the time that they were shaping a young mind and giving me tools I would use as a friend, a business women, a wife and a mother. It is amazing how I still have things that they have told me pop into my head at certain moments and how I truly take that unsolicited advice to heart. A few that have shaped who I am today:

My first boss (at my first after college job) gave me a lot of the strength that I have today in business. He saw potential in me and took the time not only teach me the business but he also explain the oh so important reasons behind the decisions we made. This is important because anyone can teach someone the fundamentals of Marketing but a truly good boss and mentor will explain the “gut” reasons you apply one over another. A good boss will take the time to explain office politics and help you create a career path for yourself. He probably will never know how influential this was and how I apply the same teaching style of management in my role today. I asked him once what he liked most about his job and he replied “the ability to effect change”. To this day I live by that mantra in business, when I can no longer effect change it is time to move on. I am very lucky working at the dynamic company that I am at now as I am able to manage and teach and to effect change on a daily basis.

Another mentor to me has been my current boss, she has of course taught me fabulous business skills but more importantly she has been a role model for me in being a working mom. I started at my current company 5 years ago; I was not married yet, still in the growth phase of life as I like to call it. There were still days I was hung-over at work and I was enjoying the heavy travel schedule that my job required. I thought nothing of 2 weeks in China; I thought nothing of back to back sales meetings. But during all of this driven career positioning, traveling and fun I spoke to my boss who was with me, rooming with me usually on the road and I listened. I asked if it was hard to leave her kids and husband. I missed my boyfriend (now my husband) of course but I knew for her adding the kids to the scenario it must be very difficult. She told me that when she travels she makes sure she works hard but makes time to call home at specific and important times like when they get home from school to see how their day was. Most importantly though, when she is home she is PRESENT. I have said this through my blog and on twitter because it is so worth repeating. Now that I have a daughter I know what she meant. If you need to be away sometimes when you are home you need to BE HOME and be 100% wife and mother. Those words resonate.

Having been given all of this advice and mentoring I feel very strongly that I need to “pay it forward” being a mentor to the young people that work for me is extremely important. I teach, I support and I am tough. They always know where they stand with me and I feel that is crucial to give them the confidence to share ideas. I teach let them know why I make decisions and why I may have said something specific in a meeting. When it comes time for any of them to be a parent I will also give them what my boss gave me. I will give them the strength to know that kids cry when you leave but they are resilient and they know you will be back. If you have ever left your child with a babysitter or at daycare you know they cry for about 2 minutes after you leave and then they play.

It is never too late to be mentored or too early to be a mentor. Listen to people you respect, ask questions and learn from them. Teach people that look up to you, don’t just tell them what to do, show them. Make a difference in someone’s life and let someone make a difference in yours.
Driven Chick
Follow me on twitter @drivenchick

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Life Lesson 7 – Being a Road Warrior!

I should have my own parking space at JFK and LaGuardia. Many industries are like mine, you need to get on a plane to see a customer, work a trade show, evaluate a factory, research a new opportunity, train a sales force or just be present at an industry networking event. There is little you can do about the distance from your family but there is something you can do about making your trip comfortable and productive! I will break it down from booking the trip to arriving home…..
First and most important pick an airline you can fly everywhere and stick to, my preference is American (easy to book, easy to achieve and earn status and upgrades and they are very friendly) Earn your miles and use them for family trips in the future! If you don’t auto upgrade then pick the second set of seats in the exit row, they recline. The seats (at least the window seat) in the first set do not for safety reasons. If you are waiting for an upgrade than make sure you check in online as soon as you are able to, it helps your “place in line” since they go by status and check-in time.
Then pick 2 hotel chains, I go with Marriott and Hilton for the same reason, earn your rewards! Once you have achieved silver status with either you can ask for silver upgrades which are complimentary. Ask also to be put on the concierge floor or have access to it, there are a lot of perks like free breakfast, cocktails and appetizers! They also have great beds. In my opinion most important part of my hotel stay is a super comfy bed with lots of pillows. When you book everything put all emails in one folder in outlook so you don’t have to go searching for confirmations. Check if they have an airport shuttle or rent a car. Cabs are such a rip-off. Another reason to rent a car though is if there is some emergency like 9-11 and they ground all planes you will have a car to get home to your family and not get stuck (assuming you are in the continental US, I would not recommend renting a boat hee hee)

Packing: We all know it has become a pain in the neck to go through security in the airport so think of this before you go…..i don’t recommend flip flops unless you don’t mind going barefoot across the nasty airport floor……check your airlines website for the latest and greatest security measures before you go. If you are traveling on a connecting flight I highly recommend packing 1 change of clothes, essential makeup and toothbrush in your carry on, I could not tell you how many times I got stuck without my luggage and had to wash my underwear in the sink and do my makeup with 2 shades of lipstick and a lip gloss (it was pretty impressive I must say!) Then you should be careful and pack an N95 mask in your carry on also. Sadly it is the world we live in. on the way home: Pack your sneakers on the outside flap of your bag so you do not have to wear heels after your meeting through the airport. Pack all heavy books and binders in your checked luggage for an easy way home. Let’s be honest at this point you are all “worked” out. Turn your brain off and read, listen to music get some me time.
Hotel room musts! Don’t stay in the following rooms:
1. Any room at the end of the hall by the stairs, not safe
2. A room by the elevators, soooo noisy
3. A room by the ice machine. Do I really need to explain?
4. A room that does not look clean
Seriously, be nice when you ask but don’t be shy about asking to change rooms…..people do it all the time, but it does help if you bring all of these preferences up when you check in and they assign your room.

Eating while traveling, I am going to do an entire blog on this in the future but a quick tip for this blog…..go low carb, easy to do when you have a menu in front of you every meal!

See something!
I go to so many great cities and so often I am packed with meetings or stuck in a convention center for days but there are those times when there is a few hours here and there…..don’t just sit in your hotel room unless you need to get “can't wait work done”. GET out there and see at least one interesting site in that city. Not only is it a great way to spend your downtime but it adds to your “interesting factor”! I have my next blog planned around increasing your “interesting factor” but the jist of it is there are many things that can make you a more interesting person to be around (helps in networking and party situations) and one of them is to be well traveled. If your work brings you places, soak in the city, have the local specialty food, see the local sites, learn something about where you are!
What do I mean….here are some examples:
New York – Pizza, Italian food and a museum
Dallas – Steak, Grassy Knoll
Philly – Cheese steak, liberty bell, historical sites
Ask the concierge or front desk what would fit the bill in that city if you’re not sure.

Arriving home:
Take a travel day and work from home the next day. Make up for lost time with your family and give your body a chance to bounce. Travel takes more out of you then you know and if you push it your body won’t be able to fight off all those fabulous germs you acquired on the flight.
That’s it for tonight!
Driven Chick ;-)
Follow me on Twitter @ Drivenchick

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life Lesson 6- Work, Life JUGGLE!

Many like to call it work, life balance…I think it is more like juggling! It is not just the job and family pins that are up in the air…there are MANY more. In my world I have the baby, the husband, the house, the career, industry boards I am on, my friends, social networking, blogs and me time. If you sit back and look at it is will make you dizzy. I have decided that the only way I can functionally get through a day and be a rock star at all of these is to juggle them and be completely present in the moment. What do I mean by this? When I have a certain pin in my hand (we are assuming I am juggling bowling pins like a circus performer right now, just for the visual) I am so completely concentrated on that pin. If I am at work, in a meeting, on the road or just in my office doing emails I am completely focused on work. I am the director of marketing of my company and no one else (unless of course the husband or babysitter calls, then I juggle the pins and pay attention to my family). When I am home I play by the same rules. I am MOM and WIFE. I won’t lie, I sometimes catch up on emails at night after the baby is asleep and the hubby is watching baseball but other than that I am present and accounted for! I have now added the new pin of blogging and social media to the mix so that adds just another pin to toss! Sometimes it is overwhelming to manage all of this and like anyone else I occasionally drop some pins…..but what I have learned is that it is REALLY important to realize why the pin dropped, pick it up and learn from it. There is no choice but to do this, and if you keep dropping pins you need to take a long look at your line up and make the decision to take one out. I have removed a few in my time and given myself a much needed break. It is of course something superfluous and expendable, and yeah I missed it, but priorities are a must if you are going to be successful! Take your life and rate the pins, family should always be first (jobs come and go but your family is your life) then work, then your “me time” and then fill in your social activities and associations. DO NOT drop your “me time” without it you will become a really annoying person to be around!
Want to know what I have dropped?
1. Coaching a high school team
2. Cleaning my house, no its not filthy, I hired someone
3. Going early to a sales meeting to play golf, dropped that one after the baby
4. Staying at the office late, now I leave-put the baby to bed and finish work after
5. Going to the gym after work, now I go at lunch, power lunch rocks!

Evaluate your pins, juggle like a pro and be present in the moment!
Driven Chick.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Life Lesson 5 – Industry Mapping, how to do it and why it’s important.

I don’t care what industry you work in there is a common thread as to how to Map, participate and work the industry. I have been in the Healthcare supply industry for over 10 years now and I am so wired in, connected and in touch that you would be hard pressed to find a single company that does not have at least 1-2 employees who know me personally. That is critical. You want to broaden your network within your industry past your customers and past your immediate acquaintances so that you can reap the full benefit of the industry.
I have spoken a bit about networking which relates to this but it goes beyond just being social at a party or gathering peoples contact info…..you need to become a fixture, a voice and a presence in your field and industry.
First, from a personal perspective, it keeps you very employable and you should, if done correctly be able to find a job within a week of losing or leaving you current job. Second, from a company perspective, it gives your company visibility and opens you customer base 10 fold. Your visibility translates to visibility for the company.
First Step – Sit down and draw a map of your industry. Imagine this will look like a bull’s-eye. First identify the core Industry association. The one that handles govt regulation, holds the annual trade show, manages a membership that consists of the main players in your industry. That will be your center or bull’s-eye. Next outer circle will be the immediate BTB groups. In my case it is medical manufacturers and distributors of the manufactured goods. You should fall into one of the two groups in the inner circle. The next layer, the outer circle will be the end-user. In my case it is physicians, hospitals, consumers, spas.
Now you should also fill in within those layers if there are off-shoot or related groups. In my case in the bull’s-eye is a professional women’s group for my industry. Also in the outer circle I would fill in the GPO’s (group purchasing organizations) that serve as negotiators for hospital purchases.
Second step - you should throw a dart right into the bull’s-eye! Contact this association, if you do not already have a contact and get one. Find someone in the organization as high up as you can and pick their brain. Find out if they have advisory councils, member surveys, volunteer groups or events that you can be a part of. I have been on multiple advisory councils and volunteered countless times. Every person in the organization knows me. Then if your company has the finances find out what sponsorship/advertising opportunities there are executive conferences for management they hold and smaller conferences they hold in addition to the main annual show. THEN JOIN, GO, TAKE PART! You will gain instant and important connections.
Third Step – List all of the companies in the inner circle in two columns. (Bull’s-eye group can get you a directory) one being the supplier, one being the customer. Then circle every company that you have 1 or 2 contacts at. Feeling pretty unconnected right now! You should! You should set a goal of being able to circle at least 5 companies a month as you go forward with your mission. And for goodness sake try to make the right contacts……befriending the mailroom manager is not going to do you much good. It should be someone at the company who is also visible in the industry and who holds a management or assistant to management position (don’t overlook a good assistant! They are often either the gatekeeper or a future executive!) You can meet these people at dinners, events, conferences or tradeshows. Seek them out, get attendee lists, find a reason to meet with them if they are not a customer or supplier. I will go into more detail in a future blog on how to do this……
Fourth step – learn the outer circle. It is your knowledge base for what makes the inner circle tick. If you do not understand your customer’s customer then go home now. If you cannot speak their language and understand what challenges they face then you cannot be a contributing part of the inner circle or the bull’s-eye.
I was lucky enough to work for a distributor before going into manufacturing so I can comfortably relate to both factions of the inner circle but I am not the norm. (Though given the opportunity everyone should test out the other side of the industry, you will be in high demand afterwards with your broad knowledge base!) So I understand the outer circle but if I did not I would make it a point to set meetings, do research and know who the key players were.
Now you have a start, Map your industry and get involved, in touch and visible.
Time for bed, on the road in St Louis, big meetings with the outer circle tomorrow.
Drive yourself to a better career!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Mommy Guilt, the working mom’s nemesis! – Life Lesson 4

Sometimes I think the most difficult part of having a baby is not the sleepless nights, not the crying, not the birth….it is being away from her. I won’t lie, sometimes it is a needed break when I go to work or I travel and get to sleep past 5 am but not being with her outweighs any brief moment of pleasure I have. I do feel that I am a better mommy to her because I work though. That may not be the case for everyone but for a driven chick like me, someone who thrives on competition and her career, it balances me. If I were a stay at home mom I think I would lose a big part of who I am and change, not for the better. I want her to know me, the driven worker who loves being part of building a company. The strong woman who leads a team and someone she can look up to.
I just spent 6 days on the road, came home for 2 and went back out for 2. I am now home for 6 days and then away again for 2…..so needless to say I am stressed about how she feels. My last meeting was for a board that I am on and it is a professional women association. I leaned on the other women on the board who have kids and have been doing this crazy balancing act for far longer than i. They helped put my mind at ease and grounded me. I realize that I am not the first and surely will not be the last to feel this way, I also realize that they bounce easily at this age and I can still have just as strong of a bond with her as I would if I were a stay at home mom. Helps to reach out to others, to talk to fellow driven chicks and get it off your chest.. My life lesson here is don’t keep the mommy guilt inside, talk it out and get the mentoring and support you need!
Just joined Twitter! Follow me at drivenchick on twitter!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Owning your first home, electrical – Life lesson 3

We bought our first home 2 years ago and it has been full of surprises. About 2 weeks in I asked my husband where the owner’s manual was! We lived in an apartment prior to buying the house so it was a BIG adjustment. It’s funny when you think about the fact that we both grew up in the suburbs in houses with our parents but since your parents don’t typically consult you when a pipe bursts or ask you to check the pilot light on the burner when the heat goes out….we went into the homeowner experience completely unprepared and to be honest at times it is pretty comical! It was funny when we tried repeatedly to paint the ceiling in the master bedroom and it kept peeling and falling on us. It was funny when we called an electrician because our power went out on one side of the house and it was the circuit breaker! Nooooo we are not that dumb but it turned out we did check the breaker box but didn’t realize they could look on but could go another millimeter and fix it. So we paid for a service call for some guy to flip a switch! So needless to say I am going to have a lot of blogs about owning a home and how to prepare and fix the crap that tends to happen.
My first story is about our electrical………it was our child’s christening and we were all getting ready that morning to go to church. It was a mess, my hair was wet, the baby was still in her pajamas and our parents and siblings arrived early to take pictures. No pictures could be had until my husband steamed his shirt (we used a steamer because I have no idea how to iron and we found this to be the solution) and I blew dry my hair and got the baby dressed. Well steaming a shirt and running a blow dryer at the same time on the same circuit is a baaaddd idea! Fuse blew and with all the brains in the house we thought the breaker was flipped correctly. So we went through the morning checking all of the outlets, all of the reset switch outlets inside and outside. Nothing. So we went through the day, the party (50 people at the house) and the next week with no power in the bedrooms. We had extension cords running all over the place. Ridiculous. When the electrician came and showed us the “soft” switch we almost cried thinking of the time we spent flowing extension cords all over the place! Lesson learned. Turned out it was a blessing since while he (electrician) was here we had him evaluate our pool electric system and he found it was not properly grounded!!!! Ouch! That is so dangerous!!! And yes we trusted him, he was not finding work in other places since we knew him……but we got that fixed ASAP. So the way I look at it things happen for a reason and though we did not have a house problem we had a pool issue. He also installed in the bathroom, kitchen and bedrooms outlets that had reset switches. Real lesson here, our house inspector sucked. Life lesson, don’t just get a house inspection by a general inspector…..get a REAL electrician in to inspect your potential home because you can use that in the negotiation process and avoid a $1000 bill. Another tip, get a power surge protector for your computer. We have had electrical issues affect our computer and we almost lost our data. Not a big investment but sooooo worth it! Till next time :-)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Networking 101 - Life Lesson 2

What is Networking and how does it change your career? Networking is one of the single most important things you will do to prepare your career for longevity and growth. It occurs at the office, industry events, dinner, parties .....etc.
Networking is when you build your network of people who can effect your career in positive ways. It can be meeting potential customers, meeting future employers or meeting people you can use to mentor you from time to time (i will post a blog on mentoring soon, also very important). There are even ways to network now using social media (another future blog!) The important thing to remember is you have to get out there and sell yourself to everyone you meet. Now don't get me wrong you don't need to walk around with an ego and brag but you should have the confidence to talk about your accomplishments in casual conversation. What do i mean??? Recently we started a social media campaign at work and i never pass up the opportunity to talk about it and let people know how smart it was to do and how good we are at it! You can highlight your own accomplishments but talking about a project you worked on or a product you sell successfully. You should limit your personal information to the basics that you are comfortable with. This is ESPECIALLY for younger people early on in careers. No one is impressed by how many clubs you go to or what fraternity you were in. That leads me to the next little hint.....DON'T drink too much! Have a beer or light mixed drink at cocktail hour and a few glasses of wine with dinner. TRUST me on this one. Best way to blow positive networking is to be the drunk girl/guy everyone is talking about the next day. Kills your credibility as a business acquaintance.
What do you do if you don't know anyone? My trick is i look for someone else alone, i walk over and talk to them to get the group started. I then look for other people alone and invite them to join us. Instant group. Less intimidating than joining a already started group if you are shy. I am lucky not to be shy and i still do this as i find it a great way to control the conversation to steer it to my knowledge base.
What do you talk about? First and foremost, the business you share in common. That's a no brainer. Second, the news. Get yourself a subscription to business week and Newsweek. Watch the news every night...not your local stuff but a world news outlet like Nightly News with Brian Williams, love that one. You need to know what is going on in the world for your own benefit and not to be left out of the conversation. Third, have a few funny stories (appropriate of course) at the ready. Test them out on friends and family and then stick to them.
And for heavens sake SMILE. You want to be informed on your industry, the world and be engaging. Key recipe to networking and business dinners.
Join Join Join - If your industry has committees, associations, groups, whatever.....Join them. Be as active in them as your time allows. You will increase visibility for yourself and your company this way. You should try to be a mini celebrity in your industry. I worked at a company before the one i am at now, they did not participate in alot of industry events, i changed that and went to everything i could and 10 years later there are very few people that don't know who i am in the industry. I am currently a chair of a committee for one of the associations ...... more on that later........
Join Linked In and use it for professional contacts. Keep it separate from your facebook. Join Twitter and follow things that interest you, at least so you know what the heck people are talking about!
I will post more tips and tricks on Networking, but for now.....JUMP in and start building your Social Capital!!!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hmmmm where should I start! - Life Lesson 1, Get Noticed at Work

So many decisions have led me here, where i am. Director of Marketing at a Major medical manufacturer, new mom, wife and new home owner. I majored in Political Science, started in sales and am now in marketing. How does that happen? Like it happens to alot of young people who major in something ridiculous like political science! You get out of college, no idea what to do with the obscure degree you obtained (could be that you majored in a language or just general business!) and you get a first job when the graduation money runs out and your parents drive you insane with lectures. Oh yeah, and you need health benefits! So then you get a job, any job.....mine was with a medical distribution company because my friend worked there......and then there is this ahaaa moment when you love or hate what you are doing and make a move. I didn't mind the telesales (very different than telemarketing) some call it inside sales. I knew it was not what I wanted to do long term but I was intrigued by the business itself . How could I make it better how could I improve what was given to me? This leads me to life lesson 1 - GET NOTICED! this will require of course you not being complacent and just clocking in. Figure out who can make your life better - your immediate boss, your coworkers and of course your bosses boss. In my case I knew my immediate boss was herself a complacent chick so I made sure her boss also knew if I was doing well and what I was coming up with. It was as simple as taking a fax page with specials on it and reformatting it with pictures and an up to date header. Looked SOO much better , took me no time at all and showed i had initiative...Now i needed buy in, get my coworkers on my side......your want em to love you and not be jealous.....that will lead to compliments on your work and the all mighty buy in. I made friends like it was my job. not life long lasting friendships (except 2 it turned out) but work friends. People that liked being around me everyday. again SOOO easy. Say hi to everyone, always offer to help, show an interest in what people are saying and listen to them and of course compliment the heck out of them....when you make others feel good they like to be around you. not rocket science folks. so now i got noticed, got buy in and my playing field was set. I had honest conversations with the 2 boss figures like: I really love the company but I want to contribute in a different way, maybe transition out of sales and try marketing. I made them believe that I wanted to grow with the company and I would continue in sales until such time as they thought i was ready. So many people want to grow in their jobs but here's a little reality check.......you won't unless management knows you want to! Again, not rocket science. People cant read your mind. I let them know what i wanted and guess what.......less than a year after joining the company I was promoted to marketing coordinator. So go to work tomorrow and GET NOTICED by your boss, his/her boss and your peers. Get on the radar. All i had to do was pretty up a fax, but it showed SO much more than that. The most important part of that story is No one told me to pretty up the fax...........that's what made the difference. You can do what they tell you to all day long and kick butt at it ........ you will not get noticed for that though, it is those who go outside the box of what they are expected to do who really shine. Well its late and i just have about 6 hours until my little one gets up so i am going to finish my wine and smile that i just finished my first Blog :-P